Zainab Sesay


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2011-04-12

Status: Social Orphan

I want to be an attorney.

I enjoy washing dishes.

My favorite subject is social studies.

Zainab lives with her grandmother. Zainab's parents abandoned her shortly after her birth because they could not cope with the responsibility. Zainab's grandmother is a petty trader and gardener. Her grandmother is not able to adequately provide for Zainab's education. Zainab is able to begin school, but she is asked out each time fees are due. After Zainab's grandmother raises the funds, she is able to return, but this causes lapses in her learning. Thanks to her sponsorship, she has been able to continue her education. Zainab wishes to be a lawyer in the future. Her favorite subject is social studies.  

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