Abigail Kamara


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2015-01-01

Status: Social Orphan

I want to be an attorney.

I enjoy studying.

My favorite subject is art.

Abigail lives with her aunt, a gardener. Abigail's mother left her with her aunt after deciding she could not cope with the responsibility of raising her. Abigail's aunt cannot sufficiently provide for her own children and Abigail's basic needs and education. Abigail was able to start school this past year, but her aunt is not able to consistently pay her tuition. When it is time to pay the balance, Abigail is sent home until her aunt can raise the needed funds. This causes lapses in her education, and she is just getting started in school.Thanks to her sponsorship, she has been able to continue her education. Abigail wants to be a lawyer in the future. Her favorite subject is art. 

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