Abdul Mansaray


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2006-01-01

Status: Social Orphan

I want to be a doctor.

I enjoy playing soccer.

My favorite subject is science.

Abdul lives with his aunt, who is a fish trader. He never knew his mother. His mother disappeared due to family conflicts. She has never returned. His aunt cannot adequately provide food and other basic needs for Abdul. Therefore, Abdul works packing fish in a fish basket during Lomma (a system of different business exchanges), and also works organizing fish to be dried in a building called a Banda. The work in a Banda is very difficult as it is consistently full of smoke. The people who work in Bandas are always inhaling the smoke and have other health issues due to the smoke. Abdul has never been to school due to lack of funds to pay for tuition, uniforms, school supplies and other school fees. He loves to play soccer. 

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