Abdulai Sesay


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2008-01-01

Status: Social Orphan

I want to be an attorney.

I enjoy playing soccer.

My favorite subject is physical education.

Abdulai was born in 2008. His grandmother does not know the exact date of his birth so we celebrate his birthday on January 1st. Abdulai lives with his grandmother who sells traditional Sierra Leonian herbs. His parents separated six years ago, and they abandoned Abdulai at the time of the separation. His grandmother decided to take him in even though her work only brings in minimal income. Abudlai's grandmother does not have the means to provide sufficient food for or meet Abdulai's other basic needs. Realizing the limitations of his grandmother's ability to provide, Abdulai has found various jobs. He cleans and clears dust bins for people and gathers scrap metals to sell. Abdulai was forced to stop school in Class III due to the lack of funds to pay for school tuition, uniforms, school supplies, and other school fees. But since he's been sponsored, he's been able to continue his education. Abdulai would like to become an attorney in the future.

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