Abdulai Fofanah


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2005-01-12

Status: Social Orphan

I want to be a gospel musician.

I enjoy playing soccer.

My favorite subject is language arts.

Abdulai was born in 2005. His mother does not know the exact date of his birth so we celebrate his birthday on January 1st. Abdulai lives with his grandmother who is a fish trader. His mother is a prostitute and does not stay in one location. She is very transient. His father is much older now and is not able to walk. Abdulai's grandmother carries the responsibilities of many grandchildren along with Abdulai. She cannot provide sufficiently for them because of her age limits and the amount of fish trading she can accomplish in one day. Abdulai has found work helping clear fish from the nets and transporting and washing fish at the Pepper Wharf area on a commercial basis. Abdulai was forced to stop school in Junior Senior Secondary I, due to lack of funds to pay for tuition, a uniform, school supplies and other school fees. Now, Abdulai attends school again because he has been sponsored. Abdulai would like to become a gospel musician.

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