Abdulai Mansaray


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2006-01-01

Status: Double Orphan

I want to be a pilot.

I enjoy playing soccer.

My favorite subject is science.

Abdulai was born in 2006. His sister does not know the exact date of his birth so we celebrate his birthday on January 1st. Abdulai lives with his sister, who sells oranges for a living. Both of Abdulai's parents died when he was a younger child. His sister has three children plus Abdulai, so she cannot sufficiently provide for all of them. Realizing this, Abdulai found work cleaning at one of the tailoring shops in Tombo. After cleaning and helping in other ways, the tailor gives him a small amount of food or cash. Abdulai was going to school but was forced to stop due to the lack of funds to pay for school tuition, uniforms, school supplies, and other school fees. He would love to return to school if given the opportunity. Abdulai would like to become a pilot in the future.

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