Zainab Koroma


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2011-11-06

Status: Double Orphan

I want to be a nurse.

I enjoy playing balance ball (dodge ball).

My favorite subject is language arts.

Zainab is a double orphan. Both of her parents died when she was 3 years old. Her grandmother was the only person able to raise her. Zainab's grandmother does petty trading to provide her with them, but the money is not enough to help cover all of Zainab's school fees. Zainab is able to start school, but once the balance payment is due, she is sent home until her grandmother can come with more money. This causes lapses in her learning. Zainab is in Class 3 and wants to be a nurse in the future. Her favorite subject is Language Arts. Thanks to her sponsorship, she has been able to continue her education.

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