Zachariah Kabia


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2005-01-12

Status: Paternal Orphan

I want to be a pastor.

I enjoy playing soccer.

My favorite subject is religious & moral education.

Zachariah (Zac) was born in 2005. Zac lives with his grandparents who work as stone breakers. It is extremely difficult work that does not pay much. Zac's father died years ago and his mother immediately remarried, subsequently abandoning him. His grandparents took him in even though they knew they did not have the funds to do much. Zac's grandparents cannot adequately provide him with food and other basic needs. Therefore, Zac has found work fetching water for people, organizing fish to be dried in fish shacks called Banda, and transporting loads around the market area. Children working in Bandas are constantly exposed to the smoke and stench that gathers in the shack. There have been times when Zach has even had to provide food for his grandparents from his small earnings. Zac would like to become a pastor in the future.  

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