Yayah Kargbo


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2004-01-01

Status: Maternal Orphan

I want to be an attorney.

I enjoy playing volleyball.

My favorite subject is social studies.

Yayah lives in the very poor fishing village of Tombo. Tombo is located on the western coastline and is a major hub for fish trade and transport.The town is known for its deeply religious Islamicfaith. Because of the poor conditions and the bodies of water that surround Tombo, diseases such as Malaria, Typhoid and Cholera run rampant. Yayah lives with his aunt who is a fish trader. His father abandoned him after the death of his mother. His aunt cannot adequately provide food for him. Realizing this, Yayah found work helping organize fish to be dried in a fish drying shack called a Banda. Interestingly, he has maintained this work for four years now to provide for his own basic needs. Yayah was attending school but was forced to quit in Class VI due to the lack of funds to pay for school tuition, uniform, school supplies and other school fees. His desire is to return to school if given the opportunity. Yayah would like to be an attorney in the future.

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