Unam Valela


Country: South Africa

My birthday is 2010-06-16

Status: Vulnerable Child

My favorite subject is science.

I enjoy playing soccer.

I want to be a doctor.

Unam Valela is 14 years old and lives with his parents. His name means “the Lord is with me.”  He is an only child. He loves to play soccer, and his favorite gift is a soccer ball from his parents. His favorite subject is natural science. Another favorite sport he enjoys is running. He moved from Qonce to Fort White, and that was not an easy time for him, especially since he had started a new school in a village. When he goes to Qonce, he stays with his grandmother and her sister, three uncles, and an aunt. When he grows up, he wants to be a doctor because he wants to help sick people. Unam lives at Intlantsi Christian School in Fort White during the school week.  On the weekends, he goes back to his village, Qonce, where he lives with his parents.  While Fort White has the most modern amenities available in the area, the surrounding villages are quite different.  In the villages, people collect water from a communal tap and use outhouses.  Though they have access to electricity, most villagers cannot afford to pay for an electric meter. Most of our children have grown up attending no-fee schools, where they are provided what may be their only meal for the day.  Most boys like Unam do not finish high school. 

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