Country: Sierra Leone
My birthday is 2007-01-01
Status: Social Orphan
I want to be an attorney.
I enjoy playing soccer.
My favorite subject is English.
Osman was born in 2007. His cousin does not know the exact date of his birth so we celebrate his birthday on January 1st. Osman lives with his cousin who works as a fish trader. His parents separated five years ago and they abandoned Osman and his siblings. His cousin decided to help him but cannot adequately provide for Osman's needs because she has six children to care for. Osman spends his time on the streets working with fish traders, carrying or transporting fish baskets. In addition, Osman works for a metal shop, carrying metals from one point to another or helping to clean old metal. During Class 4, Osman was forced to stop school due to the lack of funds to pay for school tuition, uniforms, school supplies and other school fees. Osman would like to return to school if given the opportunity. Osman would like to be an attorney in the future.