Country: Sierra Leone
My birthday is 2009-10-07
Status: Vulnerable Child
I want to be a police officer.
I enjoy fetching water for the home.
My favorite subject is mathematics.
Mohamed lives with his grandmother. Mohamed’s mother and father left him with his grandmother when they could not afford to take care of him. He is one of ten children in the home. Mohamed’s grandmother is a small business trader, and she does not earn enough money to provide for their basic needs and school costs. Mohamed was only able to start school when the government began "free" education two years ago. However, even with free education, he is still asked out of school when fees come up that the government does not cover. Because of this, Mohamed has experienced lapses in his education while his grandmother tries to raise the money needed. Thanks to his sponsorship, he is able to continue his education without breaks. His favorite subject is math and he likes to fetch water for his family.