Mintesnot Tesfaye


Country: Ethiopia

My birthday is 2015-01-27

Status: Vulnerable Child

I enjoy playing soccer with friends.

I want to be a doctor.

My favorite subject is math.

Mintesnot lives with his parents and sister in the village of Addis Ababa. His father works selling vegetables and his mother works as a teacher. Mintesnot likes to study math at school and is 4th in his class. He wants to be a doctor one day. His favorite food is macaroni. and he loves to play soccer with his friends. 

Ethiopia is located in East Africa and has the second-largest population among all African countries. Approximately 78% of Ethiopians struggle to survive on an income of less than $2 per day. The nation has faced challenges such as civil wars, famine, drought, and the spread of diseases like leprosy. Ethiopia’s widespread poverty has resulted in nationwide hunger, malnutrition, and preventable diseases, all of which account for at least 60% of the country's health problems. Despite facing significant challenges, Ethiopia possesses a rich culture and a long history worth celebrating. 

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