Kukhulu Tyhutulana


Country: South Africa

My birthday is 2008-04-25

Status: Vulnerable Child

My favorite subject is social science.

I enjoy reading books and sports.

I want to be a doctor.

Kukulu lives with her parents and two older brothers. She describes herself as independent and clever. She cares about other people and wants to help others. She enjoys reading books and sports. She says that her family is the best. They support each other and protect one another from bad things in the community. Even her community works together to see that children are not hurt. At home, she has pigs, goats, and chickens. She works in the garden growing spinach, cabbage, and potatoes. Her father is the Dorm Father at the school. He is a man of good character and a solid reputation, with experience raising boys. Although he is not a believer, he has started reading the Bible and is on a journey with God. 

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