Ibrahim Fofanah


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2014-08-31

Status: Paternal Orphan

I want to be a doctor.

I enjoy playing soccer.

Ibrahim lives with his mother. His father died during the Ebola outbreak when Ibrahim was a baby. Since that time, his mother has struggled as a petty trader to provide for them. Ibrahim has never attended school. Instead, he spends his days searching for scrap metal to sell and helping people carry loads around the community in exchange for money. Ibrahim very much wants to be in school. He hopes to be a doctor one day. Ibrahim lives in the very poor fishing village of Tombo. Tombo is located on the western coastline of Sierra Leone and is a major hub for fish trade and transport. The town is known for its deeply religious Islamic faith. Because of the poor conditions and the bodies of water that surround Tombo, diseases such as Malaria, Typhoid and Cholera run rampant.

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