Hawanatu Sesay


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2010-12-01

Status: Social Orphan/Vulnerable Child

I want to be a doctor.

I enjoy playing dodge ball.

My favorite subject is English.

Hawanatu lives with her mother and one other sibling. Hawanatu's father abandoned the family when he could no longer afford to provide for them. Her mother barely makes enough to meet their daily needs, but she will work hard to save money for Hawanatus school fees. Hawanatu's mother is not able to pay the tuition in full, so she is asked out of school when the balance is due. Once her mother has gathered enough money, Hawanatu can resume learning. Hawanatu is in Class 2 and she would like to become a doctor in the future. Thanks to her sponsorship, she has been able to continue her education.

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