Hassan Kamara


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2010-01-01

Status: Paternal Orphan

I want to be an engineer.

I enjoy playing soccer.

My favorite subject is religious & moral education.

Hassan lives with his uncle, who is a small-scale businessman. His father died when he was a child, and his mother is a prostitute in the country's interior. Hassan is deeply saddened about not having a father or a mother, and so he is often quiet and withdrawn. His uncle cannot adequately provide for Hassan. Therefore, Hassan has found work selling wood for the woodcutters. His compensation of food or cash depends on how much he is able to sell for the day. Hassan was born in 2010. His uncle does not know the exact date of his birth so we celebrate his birthday on January 1st. Hassan had never been to school before he was sponsored. He would like to become an engineer in the future. 

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