Fatmata Kamara


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2011-02-27

Status: Paternal Orphan

I want to be a lawyer.

I enjoy washing dishes.

My favorite subject is mathematics.

Fatmata lives with her uncle, a builder. Fatima's father died when she was 4 years old, and her mother could not provide for her. Fatmata's mother asked her uncle to take her in, but he is not able to provide for both her basic needs and school tuition. Fatmata is able to attend school, but she is asked to leave each time the next tuition payment is due. Once her uncle raises the required funds, Fatmata is able to return to school again. Fatmata wants to become a lawyer in the future. Fatmata's favorite subject is Math and she is in Class 4. Her favorite hobby is washing dishes after school. Thanks to her sponsorship, she has been able to continue her education. 

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