Enmanuel Agustin


Country: Dominican Republic

My birthday is 2008-11-23

Status: Paternal Orphan

I want to be an engineer.

I enjoy playing soccer.

My favorite subject is Mathematics.

Enmanuel lives with his mom in Batey Lechera in the Dominican Republic. Batey is the Haitian word for village. The older generations in Batey Lechera are Haitian. Life for Haitians in the Dominican is difficult. Enmanuel's dad passed away in 2015. His mom sells various items to try and provide for the family, but it is not enough for their basic needs. Enmanuel speaks Spanish and attends the public school which is two miles from the village. His favorite subject is math. In his free time, Enmanuel likes to play soccer. He would like to be an engineer one day.

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