David Alfred Turay


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2013-11-11

Status: Vulnerable Child

I want to be a doctor.

I enjoy playing soccer.

My favorite subject is mathematics.

David lives with his grandmother. His parents live in the provinces and due to neglect, his grandmother brought him to Tombo. She is not able to adequately provide for his needs but cannot watch him suffer. David helps his grandmother sell cold water around the community and joins other young boys searching for scrap metal that can be sold. He was able to attend school at one time, but his grandmother can no longer pay for his schooling. David stopped in Class 3 and is eager to start again. His favorite subject has been math, and he wants to be a doctor one day. David lives in the very poor fishing village of Tombo. Tombo is located on the western coastline of Sierra Leone and is a major hub for fish trade and transport. The town is known for its deeply religious Islamic faith. Because of the poor conditions and the bodies of water that surround Tombo, diseases such as Malaria, Typhoid and Cholera run rampant.

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