Dauda Kamara


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2009-01-01

Status: Double Orphan

I want to be an attorney.

I enjoy playing soccer.

My favorite subject is English.

Dauda lives with his grandmother who is a widow and is currently not employed. His father and mother died during the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. Since then, the full responsibility of caring for and raising Dauda has been left to his grandmother. Realizing that his grandmother cannot provide food and other basic needs, Dauda found work training at a carpentering center. He gets a small amount of pay for this. This work is very difficult for a young boy like Dauda and he cannot always work as expected. Dauda has never been to school due to lack of funds to pay for tuition, school supplies and other school fees. His desire is to go to school if given the opportunity. In the future, Dauda would like to be an attorney.

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