Bai Dumbuya


Biggest Need

Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2003-01-01

Status: Maternal Orphan

I want to be a historian.

I enjoy playing soccer.

My favorite subject is social studies.

Bai lived with both parents until he lost his mother in January of 2016. His father immediately remarried, which brought problems to Bai's life. His stepmother does not want to see him and she orchestrates issues that make Bai look bad or disobedient in his father's eyes. If Bai makes any little mistake, his stepmother will insult Bai's late mother and will beat him severely. This has been the routine of the day in the house since his father remarried. Bai has a brother and a sister who are going through similar treatment. To escape this abusive situation, Bai ran away and stayed with his aunt; however, he was driven out of her house shortly after orders from Bai's father reported that Bai is disobedient to him. This is the way Bai ended up on the streets of Waterloo. To earn money for a meal, Bai carries loads. He stopped attending school in Junior Senior Secondary I and his wish is to return to school. His sponsorship has helped him stay in school and get an education. He loves to play soccer and his favorite subject is social studies. 

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