Augustine Kalokoh


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2008-08-28

Status: Maternal Orphan

I want to be a doctor.

I enjoy playing with friends.

My favorite subject is mathematics.

Augustine's mother passed away when he was three years old. He lived with his father who is a plumber; however, plumbing is not a profitable trade in Waterloo, so his father finds it difficult to make ends meet. Augustine dropped out of school in the final term of the academic year because his father could not afford to pay his tuition. He stopped attending school in Class 2. Because Augustine's mother was so kind where she worked, the staff decided to contribute money to keep Augustine in school. He passed the two modified terms out of three, allowing him to move to the next class. Still, his father struggled to provide daily provisions for Augustine, so after school, Augustine helped neighbors in their household chores for a plate of rice or any available food. Augustine desires to stay in school. Once he was sponsored, he was able to stay in school and continue his education. He loves to play with his friends and wants to be a doctor one day. 

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