Alimamy Kanu


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2010-01-01

Status: Maternal Orphan

I want to be a doctor.

I enjoy playing soccer.

Alimamy was born in 2010. Alimamy lives with his aunt. She is a cookery seller, selling rice and soup in the community. His father lives in the provinces and is jobless. Alimamy's mother passed away four years ago. There are times Alimamy has no food to eat because his aunt does not make sufficient funds from her job to take care of Alimamy and her other responsibilities. His father has not provided any help in caring for Alimamy since he moved to the provinces. Realizing that his aunt could not provide him with sufficient food or meet his other needs, Alimamy found work. He gathers scrap metal to sell and fetches water for people. Alimamy has never been to school due to the lack of funds to pay for school tuition, uniforms, school supplies, and other school fees. Thanks to his sponsors through the 25 Project, he is able to stay in school and further his education. Alimamy would like to become a doctor in the future.

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