Country: Sierra Leone
My birthday is 2008-04-21
Status: Paternal Orphan
I want to be a teacher.
I enjoy playing football.
My favorite subject is physical education.
Alimamy's father passed away when he was a child. Six months after the death of his father, Alimamy's mother became mentally ill and left the family. This sad situation has stayed with Alimamy as he remembers and talks about his mother often. Now, he lives with his grandmother who is widowed and jobless. She takes care of Alimamy and several other grandchildren, therefore not being able to adequately provide food and other basic needs for all of the children. This leaves Alimamy to transport, sell, and clear fish for fishermen and women and often fetches water for people around the Tombo community for money. Alimamy has attended school, but stopped in grade three due to lack of funds to pay for tuition, uniforms, school supplies and other school fees. He wishes to continue his schooling if given the support and would love to be a teacher in the future. Alimamy's favorite subject is physical education and he really enjoys football.