Albert Thoironka


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2006-01-01

Status: Paternal Orphan

I want to be a pilot.

I enjoy reading.

My favorite subject is integrated science.

Alberts father died in 2015, due to complications of severe malaria in the Tombo community. He presently lives with his mother. Albert's mother is a fish trader which brings in minimal funding. Considering their struggles for food and other basic needs, Albert helps his mother and other fish traders transport their fish baskets to the market or to Lorry Park (an area where public transport is available for passengers and transportation of goods). Albert has an additional job, gathering scrap metals to sell. Albert has been in this situation for two years now. He was in Class VI when his father died. Now his mother lacks the funds to send him to school. He would like to continue his studies if given the opportunity.

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