Alaina Pierre


Country: Dominican Republic

My birthday is 2005-08-07

Status: Vulnerable Child

I want to be a doctor.

I enjoy painting.

My favorite subject is Literature.

Alaina lives in Batey Lecheria in the Dominican Republic with her parents and four siblings. Batey is the Haitian word for village. The older generations in Batey Lecheria are Haitian. Life for Haitians in the Dominican is difficult. Her dad is a pastor and also works gathering up stone and construction materials from the river. The family lives in a very humble house made of wood. Alaina's mother sometimes sells groceries from their home. Her older brothers also work to help provide for the family. Alaina attends the public school where her favorite subject is literature. She can speak Spanish and Creole. Her favorite color is blue and in addition to painting, Alaina enjoys soccer. Alaina wants to become a doctor and a painter in the future.

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