Adama Kamara


Country: Sierra Leone

My birthday is 2011-01-01

Status: Maternal Orphan

I want to be a teacher.

I enjoy playing tag with my friends.

My favorite subject is Art.

Adama lives with her aunt who sells food for a living. Adama’s mother passed away when she was four years old, and her father lives in another region. Adama was born with special needs, and her family did not do much to assist her. From the time her brother was brought into our ministry, Adama has tagged along. She has been a part of our ministry for years even though we had yet to start our girls’ ministry. Our country director raised funds for her to attend school starting in 2019. Since that time, Adama has become physically stronger and more confident. She is still not able to vocalize all that she wants to say, but she is very intelligent and does well writing down her assignments. Adama loves playing tag with her friends.

Most parents struggle to provide their families with more than one meal a day, so the cost to send their children to school is not easy to come by. Typically, those who can afford to send one or two of their children to school will choose to send only their sons. Girls whose parents cannot afford to send them to school will be left at home to tend to daily chores, and their smaller siblings while the parents are away earning their daily wages. This lack of education and supervision makes girls just entering adolescence very vulnerable to teenage pregnancy. Girls who have not been given access to education are often left with no option but to marry at young ages to be financially supported by their husbands.


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